4 Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals This Year

January is almost over. Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Did you put a plan in motion for things you want to improve this year? Whether it’s about exercise, keeping a budget, taking a vacation, or eating better, we know it’s much easier to set goals than to reach them sometimes. Let’s talk about how we’re going to keep up with our goals throughout the whole year.
Make Smaller Goals – It can be intimidating to have a big goal ahead of you that might cause you to give up sooner. Try breaking your goals up into smaller, more attainable goals that can add up to something big. Want to lose 20 pounds? Go for 5 a month. Want to eat healthier? Rather than cut out complete food groups or avoid eating out completely, be balanced. Start with not eating out during the week or setting a goal to have vegetables with every meal. Set a water intake goal for each day. With smaller goals, you have more wins and that will motivate you to keep going!
Reward System – Speaking of more wins, reward yourself when you hit a goal! Sticking to your budget? Allow for a small splurge at the end of the month. Just don’t go crazy. Lost 5 pounds? Go shopping and get something new that you feel great in. Keeping your daily step goal? You deserve new tennis shoes! Plan on hitting your big goals by this summer and celebrate with a Bald Head Island vacation. Feeling better, healthier, and having a nice savings from keeping your budget are the perfect combo for a beach vacation!
Accountability – If you have a goal you’re trying to reach, share it! Whether you post it online, tell your friends or family in person, or join an accountability group, it can really help you to have people cheering you on along the way. You can even get great tips for your journey from others with similar goals.
Be Kind to Yourself – Don’t forget we’re all a work in progress. You might have some slips along the way, but the important thing is you’re trying. If you haven’t met your goals as quickly as you wanted, that’s okay! Just aim for 1% better than the day before and don’t give up. You have to be your own cheerleader first, so remember to keep up the positive thoughts and reinforcement. You’ve got this!
According to one University study, only 8% will actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Have your goals written down and put them in a place you see often and try some of these tips to help you along the way. We’re rooting for you!
Published on Tuesday, January 25, 2022