A New Year Ahead on Bald Head Island

New year, new you? That phrase is pretty popular this time of year. It’s the time when most people sign up for the gym, set new goals, and start new ventures. There isn’t anything magical about a new number on the calendar, though. You don’t have to wait until a new week, a new month, a new year to incorporate positive habits in your routine to be the best you. We are planning our best year here on Bald Head Island and here are some of the things we are including in our routine starting today.
Explore More – We tend to get in a routine of going to the same places, taking the same vacations, and eating at the same restaurants. There’s so much more out there to be enjoyed when we try new things! Bald Head Island isn’t just a quiet beach area, it also has marshes and creeks, a maritime forest, quaint little shops, AND miles of pristine beaches. Don’t settle for routine, go explore! Take a hike. Climb a mountain. Swim in the ocean. See what’s out there!
Live in the Moment – Take some time to really unplug. We live in a time where you can get answers to questions within seconds. If you don’t answer a phone call right away, people get worried. Many run their businesses from their phones. We could be missing a lot that’s right in front of us if we’re constantly buried in our phones, or work, or even trying to document an experience. So next time you’re on vacation or even just out for the day, put the phone up and soak it all in.
Be Adventurous – It’s time to get out of your comfort zone. Magical things won’t happen until you do. Do you know how many people have never been sailing or surfing, hiking or kayaking? Sign up for lessons with the Sail Shop and go sailing on Bald Head Island. Or rent a paddleboard from Coastal Urge for the day or the week and tour the creeks. Life is too short to be boring! Go on an adventure on Bald Head Island.
Take Some YOU Time – We often get wrapped up in our daily routine and taking care of everyone and everything that we neglect ourselves. You know the saying: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Time alone and relaxing can be great for re-energizing. Bald Head Island has a spa where you can spend the afternoon being pampered. Island Retreat Spa and Salon offers everything from pedicures and facials to massages and body wraps. They also have classes for beginner and expert yoga, barre, and pilates. Go for a solitary escape to feel renewed or sip mimosas on the porch with your girlfriends and get pedicures together.
One thing is for sure, it’s never too late or too early for new habits. We all want to be the best, healthiest version of ourselves. Don’t wait for the new year to start working on new things. Start today! Start now and keep it going throughout the new year on Bald Head Island.
Published on Tuesday, December 17, 2019