Why you Need a Bald Head Island Break

These days, everything is always rushed. We want rush shipping, we want traffic to go faster, we order online so we don’t have to wait in lines, we’re always on the go! Everything is fast-paced and we can easily get caught up in the rush. It’s important to take a break every once in a while, though. If you are debating on whether to take a vacation, we’ll tell you why we think it’s a good idea.
Many people aim to make everyone else happy which can result in over-committing. You want to be a people-pleaser and end up cramming your schedule full with no time left for yourself. If you take some time off and even go out of town, you’re forced to turn some offers down and get a much-needed break. Bald Head Island requires a ferry ride and it’s the perfect opportunity to leave worries behind and take a vacation from monotony.
Reducing stress is important for maintaining your overall health and the best person to take care of yourself is YOU. One of the biggest attractions to Bald Head Island is the lack of automobiles. With only golf carts or bicycles to get around, the atmosphere is peaceful and laid-back. Taking a nice bike ride in the morning for coffee or around the island at sunset is a great way to reduce some stress. You could also rent a kayak and take a ride on the quiet creeks. Being in nature is an ideal way to slow down and appreciate the little things.
Life can be too serious. We are always bombarded with headlines and work projects that can make us forget to have fun. Getting involved in a physical activity can be just what you need to let loose. Playing sports can trigger brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. If you’re used to sitting behind a desk all day at the office, it’s great to get out and burn some calories as well. Grab a partner and head to the tennis courts at the Bald Head Island Club or go for a swim. You can rent a paddleboard at Coastal Urge and go for a ride through Lighthouse Creek. Fresh air and vitamin D is sure to rejuvenate you before heading back home to your regular life.
It’s easy to get caught up in routine and before you know it, months have gone by without giving yourself any breaks. But as you can see, it’s important to take some time for yourself which can actually improve your health, productivity, and relationships. Book your Bald Head Island vacation and take that break you deserve in one of the most beautiful locations in the country.
Published on Wednesday, August 23, 2017