Bald Head Island Property Owner Awarded Long Leaf Pine

The Order of the Long Leaf Pine award is one of the most sought after and cherished awards conferred by the Governor of North Carolina. This high honor is presented to North Carolinians who have a proven track record of service to our state. The award was created in 1963 with honorees receiving a certificate by which the Governor confers upon the recipient the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary privileged to enjoy fully all rights granted to members of this exalted order among which is the special; privilege to propose a special North Carolina Toast in select company. Well known recipients include such names as Maya Angelou, Charlie Daniels, Dale Earnhardt, William “Bill” Friday, Billy Graham, Andy Griffith, Michael Jordan, Dean Smith and Hugh Morton. See more about The Order of the Long Leaf Pine including the special toast. at the Society's website.
A Bald Head Island resident, John Fisher, will be presented with The Order of the Long Leaf Pine in a special ceremony Saturday, August 15, 2015 from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at the Bald Head Island Club. The award will be presented by Mr. Paul Butler, on behalf of Governor McCrory. Islanders are invited to attend this special ceremony. Hors d'oeuvres will be served along with a cash bar.
Bald Head Island Limited congratulations John!
Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2015