July 2015 Blog Posts

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3379 B

Pirates Invade Bald Head Island

Each year in August, pirates invade Bald Head Island and take over, declaring their loyalty to the island with good reason. In the 17th and 18th centuries, pirates ruled the waters off the coast of North Carolina and the Village of BHI was a favorite refuge and base for the buccaneers. Many pirates would stop here to replenish their provisions and (read)

1365 B

The Pirates are Coming!!

It’s that time of year again—time for the Bald Head Island Pirate Festival! Be here July 31st weekend as pirates arrive by tall ship and take over the island for several days of unbridled revelry. Events include an island takeover by the pirate ship Meka, a pirate party in the harbor, gun powder demonstrations and sword fighting, grub (read)

10 Tips When Traveling to Bald Head Island

Bald Head Island is truly the place to go to get away from it all. The pace is slower, the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxed, and the area’s natural beauty can be seen with every step. Since it is an island, here are some suggestions and reminders for planning your trip and leaving the mainland behind:  1- To reach the island, ferries take passengers (read)

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P.O. Box 3069, Bald Head Island, NC 28461 US