The Charm of the Island

Many people in North Carolina have heard of Bald Head Island; however, not as many have actually experienced the allure of the Island for themselves. And it seems almost everyone you ask about the elusive Bald Head Island has a similar cryptic review,
“There’s just something about it."
"I never want to leave.”
“When can we go back?”
But what makes it so
special? What gives Bald Head Island that extra “oomph” that keeps people talking long after they visit?
For starters, the experience is unique before you even arrive. The journey to Bald Head Island begins with a 20 minute ferry ride from Southport, North Carolina that transports you to the private oasis on the other side of the Cape Fear River. As there are no cars on the island, Bald Head Island trams await you at the Ferry Landing, along with luggage carriers for assistance, to take you to your final destination. Whether you’re renting a bungalow in the trees, or escaping to paradise on the beach - the first impression views of that very first ride will take your breath away.
As soon as you arrive in the harbor, you’ll set eyes on two harbor-side restaurants,
Mojo’s and
Delphina’s, and views of old character homes that sit along the harbor’s edge. As you begin the journey to your vacation abode, you’ll pass the historic
Old Baldy Lighthouse, sweeping
maritime forest trees, and maybe sight of the two mile stretch of
sandy beach that lines the southern side of the Island.
Whether it be the
endless amount of things to do, or the endless amount of things to not do in the quaint, private space you’re afforded - I think it’s safe to say that Bald Head Island is unlike any other place in the world.
What do you love about Bald Head Island? We’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below!
Published on Monday, November 23, 2015